The Art of Sutra

Sutra comes from Sanskrit, the ancient and sacred language of India. It also describes the teachings of the Buddha, the enlightened being who have mastered the truth, the knowledge and path of liberating the soul from samsara (continuous cycle of birth). Living is an Art, and Life is a blessing. Everything I do in my artwork – is a reflection of who I am – my soul mission and my contribution to humanity.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Learning the Universal Bond 2: How do we pray?

Trisandhya, prayer of Hindu
Translated in Indonesia and English

Om, bhùr bhvah svah
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayàt
Tuhan adalah bhùr svah. Kita memusatkan pikiran pada kecemerlangan dan kemuliaan Hyang Widhi. Semoga Ia berikan semangat pikiran kita.
Oh, God, You are the Lord of bhur bhvah svah (three) world. Let us humbly focus our thoughts to the Greatness and Glory of Almighty God (Hyang Widhi). May the Lord God inspire our thoughts.

Om, Nàràyana evedam sarvam
yad bhùtam yac ca bhavyam
niskalanko nirañjano nirvikalpo
niràkhyàtah suddo deva eko
Nàràyano na dvitìyo’sti kascit
Ya Tuhan, Narayana adalah semua ini apa yang telah ada dan apa yang akan ada, bebas dari noda, bebas dari kotoran, bebas dari perubahan tak dapat digambarkan, sucilah dewa Narayana, Ia hanya satu tidak ada yang kedua.
Oh, God, You are Narayana, everything that there is and will be, You are most gracious and pure; You are not bonded from all changes in this world. Oh, Narayana most Holy, You are the union of all forces, the only one and true God.

Om tvam sivah tvam mahàdevah
ìsvarah paramesvarah
brahmà visnusca rudrasca
purusah parikìrtitah
Ya, Tuhan, Engkau dipanggil Siwa, Mahadewa, Iswara, Parameswara, Brahma, Wisnu, Rudra, dan Purusa.
Oh, God, You are called Shiva, Mahadeva, Isvara, Paramesvara, Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and Purusa.

Om pàpo’ham pàpakarmàham
pàpàtmà pàpasambhavah
tràhi màm pundarìkìksa
sabàhyàbhyàntarah sucih
Ya, Tuhan, hamba ini papa, perbuatan hamba papa, diri hamba ini papa, kelahiran hamba papa, lindungilah hamba Hyang Widhi, sucikanlah jiwa dan raga hamba.
Oh, God, I am weak, my actions are poor, my existence and myself is humble, keep me from harm, Oh God, purify my body and spirit.

Om ksamasva màm mahàdeva
sarvapràni hitankara
màm moca sarva pàpebyah
pàlasyva sadà siva
Ya, Tuhan, ampunilah hamba Hyang Widhi, yang memberikan keselamatan kepada semua makhluk, bebaskanlah hamba dari segala dosa, lindungilah hamba oh, Hyang Widhi.
Oh, God, forgive me. Oh, Holy One who guard all living things free from harm, release me from all sins, protect me, Oh, Almighty God.

Om ksàntavyah kàyiko dosah
ksàntvyo vàciko mama
ksàntvyo mànaso dosah
tat pramàdàt ksamasva màm
Ya, Tuhan, ampunilah dosa anggota badan hamba, ampunilah dosa hamba, ampunilah dosa pikiran hamba, ampunilah hamba dari kelahiran hamba.
Oh, God, forgive my body from its sins, forgive my sins, forgive my thoughts of its sin, forgive me of my birth.

Om, sàntih, sàntih, sàntih, Om.
Ya, Tuhan, semoga damai, damai, damai, selamanya.
Oh, God, may peace, peace, peace be with us always.

The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who are in heaven,
Holy be Your Name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today,
Our daily bread
And forgive us our debt
As we forgive our debtors,
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.

with the aid of my Indonesian muslim brother, I asked that he teach me the meaning of Alfateehah because I speak it without knowing what it was.
Translated in Indonesia and English

Bismillah Niroma Nirohim
Alhamdulilah irobil alamin
Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha penyayang
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Loving

Arrahman nirokhim
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam
All the worship is Yours, Lord of the Universe

Mailikiya Umidin
Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
Most Gracious and Most Kind

Iyakanak budu waiya kanastain
Yang Menguasai hari Pembalasan
The Lord of the Judgment Day

Ihdinasyiro tolmustakhim
Hanya Kepada Engkaulah kami menyembah dan hanya kepada Engkaulah kami mohon pertolongan
Only to You, we praise and Only to you with beg

Syirotolladi na anamta alaihim
Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus
Please show us the right path

Ghoiril Maktubiallaihim walapdzalim, amin.
Yaitu jalan orang-orang yang telah Engkau anugerahkan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan jalan yang mereka murkai, dan bukan jalan mereka yang sesat.
The path where you bestow the happiness and not the path of anger and confusion.


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