The Art of Sutra

Sutra comes from Sanskrit, the ancient and sacred language of India. It also describes the teachings of the Buddha, the enlightened being who have mastered the truth, the knowledge and path of liberating the soul from samsara (continuous cycle of birth). Living is an Art, and Life is a blessing. Everything I do in my artwork – is a reflection of who I am – my soul mission and my contribution to humanity.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Bali, The Spirit 2

Learning the Universal Bond
The following excerpts are presented to give the readers the chance to learn the philosophy of the Hindu religion and its similarity with the practices and teachings of other religion.

Tat Twam Asi : Tat (He), Twam (You), Asi (is)
“I am you and you are me”. This Balinese Hindu principle teaches social equality. We must treat others as we treat ourselves.

Teachings of Jesus Christ
“Whatsoever you do, to the least of my brethren that you do unto Me.” the similar principle that Jesus Christ taught to his disciples and followers.

Balinese Hindu teaches The Five Noble Pillars/Truth
Panca Sraddha – The Five Noble Truths
· Widdhi Tattwa/ Philosophy of One God/Sang Hyang Widhi
“eko narayana na dwitiyo ‘sti kascit”
Meaning: There is only One Supreme God and not two.
· Atma Tattwa/Philosophy of Atma/Soul
· Hukum Karmaphala/Philosophy of Karmapala/Fruits of Action
· Punarbhawa /Philosophy of Incarnation
· Moksha/Philosophy of Union of the Atma/Soul with the Creator

Hindu Dharma Trikaya Parisudha
Trikaya Parisudha is the basic concept of how humans should think, speak and behave properly. Parisudha means to cleanse. Thus, trikaya parisudha are the three basic actions that should be cleansed:
1. Manacika, to think right
2. Wacika, to speak right
3. Kayika, to behave right

If the thoughts are controlled to think right, conceivable fruits of actions by words or deeds can be rightly expected. The Trikaya parisudha teaches 10 disciplines as mentioned in the holy book Sarasamuccaya.

These disciplines are similar to the 10th commandments .

Three kinds of mental discipline:
To desire not of ill-gotten wealth
To think not of evil towards other fellow beings.
To accept as true the karmaphala
Four kinds of speech ethics:
To speak not with resentment
To speak not of unkind words
To speak not of lies
To fulfill promises as have said
Three kinds of basis of moral behaviour:
To torture not or to harm not living creatures.
To cheat not towards obtaining wealth
To commit not adultery

Buddha Teachings: recommended path be followed which consists of:
1. Right Understanding
2. Right Thought
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration

Buddha: The Five Precepts
Buddhists undertake certain precepts as aids on the path to coming into contact with ultimate reality. Laypeople generally undertake five precepts. The Five Precepts are not given in the form of commands such as "thou shalt not ...", but rather are promises to oneself: "I will (try) to...".
The five precepts are:
1. To refrain from harming living creatures (killing).
2. To refrain from taking that which is not freely given (stealing).
3. To refrain from sexual misconduct.
4. To refrain from incorrect speech (lying, harsh language, slander, idle chit-chat).
5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness.


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